Curious Climate
Curious Climate

The climate has always changed, so why is ‘climate change’ any different?


Michael Grose

Michael Grose

Summary of Answer

Dr Michael Grose (CSIRO) provides insights on the topic of ‘The climate has always changed, so why is ‘climate change’ any different?’.

This footage was shot at live public forums for the Curious Climate Tasmania project held across Tasmania in August 2019 as part of Australian National Science Week. Curious Climate was initiated by a group of scientists & journalists that wanted to know what the Tasmanian public were curious about in terms of climate change. This series of presentations cover the most popular questions submitted by the Tasmanian public, in response to a call out for questions from ABC Radio, and aim to bridge the gap between experts and audiences with credible, relevant information about climate change.

This project was delivered in partnership with the Centre for Marine Socioecology, ABC Radio Hobart, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, CSIRO and Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture. Funding was provided by National Science Week and the Tasmanian Government, through the Tasmanian Climate Change Office.

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About the Author

Michael Grose

Michael Grose

Climate Projections Scientist at CSIRO


CSIRO, University of Tasmania

Research Area:

Research Area: Downscaling comparison and coordination for new Australian climate projections. Climate projections and communication for southeast Australia. Climate model evaluation and making climate projections for Pacific Island nations

Why I do the research I do:

Why I do it: Research into climate and climate change at a regional scale (e.g. Tasmania), including research into the drivers of climate variability and change as well as projections of likely change under climate change scenarios. New work includes research into the impact of climate variability and change on bushfire risk and biodiversity values.
(c) copyright 2025 University of Tasmania.
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