Curious Climate
Curious Climate

What does climate change mean for Australia?


Dr Stuart Corney

Stuart Corney

Summary of Answer

Quaerat eius dolor vel at perspiciatis delectus. Quo eos natus aspernatur quis excepturi provident. Molestiae consectetur ipsam quisquam maxime. Facilis ullam eos saepe accusamus quo omnis aliquid.
Enim aperiam nam quidem praesentium ut rerum veniam possimus. Quidem optio consequatur necessitatibus nostrum qui. Enim libero voluptatibus saepe eos dolorum consequatur tempore. Omnis est excepturi enim dignissimos est aut nihil.

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About the Author

Dr Stuart Corney

Stuart Corney


Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania

Research Area:

Research Area: Impacts of climate change on Tasmania and exploring the impacts of change on Antarctic and Southern Ocean marine ecosystems. Untangling the interplay between the projected physical changes that anthropogenic climate change is likely to bring and how these changes will flow through to affect people and marine ecosystems.

Why I do the research I do:

Why I do it: Basically I love to figure out what is going on around me. My research career started in quantum physics and trying to understand the basic nature of the universe. These days the focus of my work is less obscure, but the desire to understand what is driving the system of study is the same. We are conducting a massive, global experiment that is reshaping our climate and pushing it to a place it has not been for a million years, at a much faster rate than at any time in the history of the Earth. What is the outcome of this experiment for our environment and, just as importantly, for the people, animals and ecosystems that are caught up in it? I want to know, and preferably know while we still have a chance to alter the outcome.
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