Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

Will bees go extinct due to climate change? I’m wondering this because bees are very important because they pollinate flowers. Without bees there would be a huge impact on food because without flowers there wouldn’t be any fruit.

What a great question! Bees are so important and you are right that without bees there would be a huge impact because bees are needed to pollinate lots of different types of plants, not just fruit, but nuts and vegetables and seeds.

However, climate change is not the biggest risk for bees, rather chemical use in farms and the loss of home gardens are big impacts for bees. These are things we can help to change! Planting flowers to feed bees in your home and buying produce that has not been sprayed are both very helpful ways to help bees.

Bees like many types of flowers. Photo: pxfuel

Bees don’t just use flowers for food, planting flowering trees as well and keeping things like dandelions can help bees to find food over winter. Climate change may change the types of plants that grow and that can affect bees, especially as the weather gets drier. Bees are certainly important for us to look after and so planting a wide range of plants in your garden (or in pots) is very helpful to feed the bees.

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