Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

What actions are being pursued to prevent the climate crisis?

There are many actions being undertaken to stop or minimise the impacts of climate change. These actions involve reducing the amount of greenhouse gases (gases that trap heat) in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are released by human activities such as producing energy from fossil fuels, refrigeration or agriculture. 

The good news is that actions to mitigate climate change are happening at all levels, from individuals and communities to local, regional and national governments. Any action that reduces the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will help. This could be anything from thinking before buying and buying only what you need (instead of what you want), riding a bike to school/work instead of driving a car, having a community garden that includes composting, switching to renewable energy sources (like solar or wind) or managing forest in a way that allows for long-term capture (also known as sequestration) of carbon dioxide, one of the most common greenhouse gases. 

Many organisations and governments have now committed to climate action and have climate change plans publicly available detailing how they are contributing to preventing the climate crisis. You can influence what business do with your purchasing choices by being aware of what brands are more environmentally responsible, or you can write a letter your local, state or national government asking what they are doing to support climate action. 

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We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana people, the Traditional Custodians of lutrawita/Tasmania. We recognise and respect their collective wisdom and knowledge about country and change.
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