Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

How do you become a climate scientist?

Everyone takes a different path, but the best way is to keep asking questions; at school, at home everywhere! Questions are really the core of science, and as the saying goes, there really aren’t bad one.  Asking questions opens doors, makes you meet new people, and leads you down paths you never expected to go down.  They don’t even have to be questions about science, per se. It can just be asking how you can get involved. 

For me, I started as an engineer in Uni and didn’t really know what I want to do after I graduated.  Then one day I asked a professor if there was any research he was doing that I could help with. Lo and behold, he said yes, and now here I am 12 years later, a real life oceanographer and climate scientist.  So just remember, it never hurts to ask! 

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