Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

Should we stop using cars to stop global warming?

Well, the short answer to your question is yes - we do need to change our transport habits. Of the total global CO2 emissions the transportation sector contributes to about 14%. In countries like Australia, with lots more car usage that percentage is even higher. Transport is Australia's third largest source of greenhouse gas emissions (96MtCO2e per year, 17% of total emissions). Cars currently represent the largest source of transport emissions in Australia, and are responsible for roughly half of all transport emissions. Furthermore, car emissions in Australia have grown by 25% since 1990.

But cars are still important for some people to be able to access the community and to get to places. So other options we have are to look at using more fuel efficient cars (some old or big cars use much more fuel) or look at electric vehicles. But, the more walking, cycling, and public transport the better!

climateFuturesUnviersity of TasmaniaTas Gov Sponosored
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