Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

How can we get more student involvement in action taking?

More and more students want to be part of the solution to reduce the impact of climate change. While some have already been active in this space, some might not have engaged yet but might be more inclined with the right approach. Though climate change is serious and taking action is urgent, this can be quite overwhelming to some and create much anxiety. Others may not think they can make a difference. Still others might not understand the complexities of climate change, or even understand how their everyday activities impact the climate.

So meet people where they are. Everyone will have a different starting place. It might involve educating other students and raising awareness. Its important to use a positive and pro-active approach. Have options that students can enjoy, easily participate in, and that connect small local actions to the larger global issues. Here are some examples of local actions that can reduce climate omissions in Tasmania.

  • start a walking group to school or organise a daily carpool to reduce energy consumption – the #1 CO2 emitter.
  • organise a meat-free school lunch campaign with yummy alternatives to encourage students to reduce their meat consumption, linked to the #2 CO2 emitter from livestock in the agricultural sector.
  • take care and share your stuff (e.g., computers, toys, bicycles, scooters, smartphones) through a school swap event, reducing having to buy new stuff, linked to the #3 CO2 emitter through industrial activities.
  • Organise a school waste-audit and learn how to reduce waste going to landfill by composting and recycling the right way, linked to the #4 CO2 emitter by waste.

Remember that changing habits takes time. It’s not just knowing what is best, but making it easy to do, within your control, and supported by others around you. Be positive and think about the small and large actions you can do and celebrate victories.

One more thing, you may wish to organise activities where students (re)imagine what a sustainable world/city/community would look like? Will there be more innovative and renewable energy sources, greenspaces, connected communities, etc.

Prof. Jason Byrne at UTAS shared some great ideas in response to the question: What do you think climate change will alter about the world in my lifetime, and what can I do about it?

For activities to support education and awareness, have a look at these sites:

Primary school level:

Climate Council Climate Change Animation

Connect with Sustainability Learning Centre in Hobart

Connect with Education for Sutainability Tasmania

Secondary school level:

Compare your ecological footprint

Connect with others in the AYCC


2022 Tasmania Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

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We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana people, the Traditional Custodians of lutrawita/Tasmania. We recognise and respect their collective wisdom and knowledge about country and change.
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