Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

How will climate change affect me and how will I live?

Climate change is affecting all of our lives in many different ways.

If you live in Tasmania, you will see it in our landscape. Sea levels are rising, which means we are losing some wetlands and beaches. This can also affect our communities. In the next few years, low-lying houses and roads are likely to go underwater. We're also getting more very hot weather days, that mean frequent and severe bushfires, which threaten some people's homes, and can destroy forests and wildlife. Because of climate change, some places, like alpine and peat bog areas that have never burned before, are starting to dry out and burn in bushfires. This means that we could lose some rare Tasmanian plant and animal species.

Burnt pencil pine and alpine flora, Mackenzie fire, Tasmania. Photo: Rob Blakers

If you like to fish, you might find that there are different kinds of fish coming into the seas around Tasmania for you to catch - but if you like to dive or snorkel you may not see Tasmania's giant kelp forests for much longer.

By the time you are old enough to learn to drive, you are likely to drive an electric car - we need to make sure that all our transport is powered from renewable energy. And when you get a job, there will be lots of jobs that are there because of climate change - jobs in renewable energy production, jobs in climate science and climate response, new types of fisheries and agriculture and that are there because of climate change, and many more.

We will all need to be a part of adapting to climate change - and there are many opportunities to choose how you can be part of the change we need. Have a look at the What can I do? page for some more ideas.

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We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana people, the Traditional Custodians of lutrawita/Tasmania. We recognise and respect their collective wisdom and knowledge about country and change.
(c) copyright 2024 University of Tasmania.
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