Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools

Will the North Pole and Antarctica still exist in 2040?

The North Pole and Antarctica sit at opposite ends of the Earth. If you think of them just as spots on a map, then they will definitely still exist in 2040.

But, if we instead ask “Will the North Pole and Antarctica be the same in 2040 as they are today?” then the answer is a little different.

The North Pole sits in the middle of the Arctic Ocean. For centuries, this area has been covered in frozen seawater, which we call sea ice. As our world warms, the amount of ice covering the Arctic Ocean has been decreasing, especially in summer. By 2040 it’s possible that there won’t be any sea ice left in the Arctic Ocean during summer.

Antarctica isn’t just a place on a map; it’s a continent, like Australia. Although Antarctica might look a little different by 2040, it will still be there and still be covered by an ice cap that is more than two kilometres thick.

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