Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools
The Heat Is OnThe Sun

Its 2050, and you are living in a climate changed world. Can you learn to survive and thrive?

Some Adaptation cards from The Heat Is On
The Heat is on is a role playing game about climate change, designed to be played in the classroom. It’s run by trained Curious Climate Schools educators, and played in teams of up to 5 players.

In the game, we transport students forward in time to 2050. By then, most will be in their late 30s or 40s. They are living in a world which faces more frequent and intense extreme weather events because of climate change. The teams play the role of town councils on an island called Adaptania. Each team is responsible for helping their community to become resilient to climate change. 

The Heat Is On is designed for students in Years 7-12, and can be run either as an incursion during lessons, or an excursion activity. Students learn about the connection between climate change and extreme weather events, and find out ways to adapt to changing conditions and improve community resilience. 

Register your interest for a game for your class, or request more information at [email protected] 
A rainbow over a regenerated landscape
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We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana people, the Traditional Custodians of lutrawita/Tasmania. We recognise and respect their collective wisdom and knowledge about country and change.
(c) copyright 2025 University of Tasmania.
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