Associate Professor Evan Franklin
School of Engineering, College of Sciences and Engineering, UTAS
Research Areas
Energy systems, electrical power grids, renewable energy
Why I do what I do
To help the world transition to being powered by renewable energy, reducing its reliance on fossil fuels and lowering global greenhouse gas emissions... plus a large helping of wanting to satisfy my own curiosity about things (mostly energy and emissions 'things')!
Something interesting about me
I used to be able to hold my breath and swim underwater the full length of the 50 m pool.
Questions answered by this expert
How do hydrogen batteries work?
What impact will electric vehicles have on Tasmania's climate?
What are the most and least renewable sources of energy?
Can we harness lightening as a renewable energy source?
Can you link us into success stories… stories about climate change solutions that have already started being effective?
Why do we keep using damaging ways of getting electricity when we have better solutions, why don't people take responsibility?