Dr Kate Fraser
Questions answered by this expert
That’s a great question and a tricky one to answer accurately, because it depends a lot on how we humans adapt and respond to change. We can be certain that things will be different, though. It’s likely there will be a lot more extreme weather events – droughts, floods, bushfires, cyclones, and storms. In some place the seas will have risen to flood homes and areas that are now dry land. Some species will suffer and go extinct as environmental conditions become unsuitable for them. Other species will thrive as conditions begin suit them better, their populations might grow, or they might start to live in places that were previously too difficult for them.
What life will be like for us is pretty uncertain, but here are some things I hope will change as humans adapt to a changing climate. People will share more with their communities – food, skills, transport (probably not cars as we know them!). Vegetable gardens and fruit trees will replace lawns in many homes. Building design will prepare for floods, fires, and storms. We will consume and waste less, recognising that the food and resources we take from the oceans and land are limited. Wealthier people and countries will share with less wealthy people and countries, to make sure everyone has the best chance of adapting to change. Governments will plan well for change and for unpredictable things like extreme weather events and pandemics, making decisions to help everyone and our natural environments.