Curious Climate schools
Curious Climate schools
climate curious titleThe Climate Curious Cartoon guide

The Climate Inquiry Unit is an exciting new teaching resource for Year 7-8.

front cover gang
climate curious scientist
Curious Climate Schools has been awarded a grant by the Tasmanian Government to offer this introductory unit to Year 7 & 8 students right across the state. The unit is an introduction to climate change, based on research with Tasmanian students, and developed by climate science and education experts. It includes student-led activities, an interactive game, and expert visits.
We’re offering a limited number of Science and HASS teachers in public schools across Tasmania the chance to bring Unit to their classes in 2025, for free!

This Introductory Unit includes: 

  • Full teaching pack with Australian Curriculum-linked Unit Plan
  • Lesson plans, presentation slides, videos, and printed materials 
  • Four core lessons covering:
    1. 'What's going on with climate change?' (climate impacts, fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect)
    2. 'Can we fix it?' (mitigation and adaptation)
    3. 'Climate feelings' (recognising and validating emotions, building resilience) and
    4. 'Taking Action' (individual, collective and system change).
  • Q&A with climate experts and an expert visit
  • The Heat Is On climate adaptation game incursion facilitated by Curious Climate Schools
  • A 'Climate Curious' cartoon guide to climate change book for each student
  • An accompanying student activity book for each student

The Unit is fully customisable for teachers' needs.
Register Your Interest Now by emailing
[email protected].

Teams playing The Heat Is On

climateFuturesUnviersity of TasmaniaTas Gov Sponosored
We acknowledge the Palawa/Pakana people, the Traditional Custodians of lutrawita/Tasmania. We recognise and respect their collective wisdom and knowledge about country and change.
(c) copyright 2025 University of Tasmania.
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